
Monday, June 27, 2011

Be Aware of The Different in Life

It was my thought tonight, as it is on most days, to let you know that the ire and anger that might spew from people around you should not mandate an immediate result of causing your own depression. Your anger is understood, but your ability to forgive will resolve things in much faster ways. In the past, we have suggested that during times of arguments, you cease talking. This is not to say that you should become mum, but perhaps better stated, you should become quiet. It is very difficult for an angry person to carry on a tirade if there is no one arguing back. You have the right to defend yourself, but you also have the right to acknowledge the love and reference point from within. This can be a very tough lesson for some of you.

There are people who have been entrusted to bring up the meek. Reality says that all of you, when born, are considered part of the meek. Without someone to take care of you, your existence in the physical realm would be very short. My point in bringing this up is that from the beginning of your physical life you automatically need to trust that someone has your best interest in their heart.

While the process of life takes place, it may seem to be a little rougher for some of you then others. This is because you may have selected to come into a situation where there is much dysfunction or poverty. Your soul does truly choose the life it needs to be in so that it will learn the most lessons. The key though is not to let yourself be hampered by the inconsistencies of other people's thoughts. If you do that, you will find yourself belonging to the same path of dysfunction. This does not mean that you cannot move yourself from it. In addition, we applaud any of you who have grown to understand that frequently abstinence is the best way to live life. In this case, the use of the word "abstinence" is not designed to mean a lack of anything, but to avoid the things and vices that may limit your growth.

The physical realm is one of abundance. I mentioned that some of you may have chosen a life where people are in poverty. The reality is that none of you have to stay in that pattern. This is where you can color a much stronger and brighter picture for yourself. You do not need to hold on to anyone else's negative observations. This too, will limit your progress and delay your soul's happiness.

We are entering a great period of reflection, not only for all of you personally, but from a global prospective as well. People who sometimes speak the loudest frequently think that their voice equates to intelligence. All people, whether born mentally disabled, or born into an automatic admission into Mensa, are seen as equals in the eyes of God.

Each one of you has only to answer for your own actions. Problems from the past and hardships in the present do not have to become your future. From our perspective, in the Golden Light, we see all of you with enthusiasm. We want you to flourish. We want your colors to vibrate. The physical world is actually a combination of energies that will emanate from the purity of White Light. It is a concept that must be difficult for you to understand, because if we tell you that you are really not solid, you would want to deny that statement, but from the perspective of energy you are as pure and clear as the presence of the Highest Being. These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.

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